Walmart Canada Annual Partnership Report 2023

Partners in Children’s Health

Your Giving and Impact

Thank You

Walmart marked an extraordinary milestone in 2023, surpassing $200 million in total cumulative giving to Canada’s children’s hospitals. Teams did not slow down in the wake of this achievement. Despite economic headwinds facing customers, energetic fundraising efforts by Walmart associates led to nearly $15.3 million in additional support this year.

A set of thank-you assets, including postcards and an online video, was created to express appreciation to associates for their essential contributions to Walmart’s fundraising success.

The return of Champion launch events to Walmart stores helped bring renewed energy and excitement to the partnership. 

Walmart celebrated the fifth anniversary of its Spark a Miracle Campaign in November and December, inviting customers to make donations to their local children’s hospital foundation, or purchase a Teddy – with $2 from every bear being directed to children’s health.

Walmart Canada Fundraising 2023

$15,259,691 Total Raised

Local Fundraising $6,808,456
Spark a Miracle Campaign $4,662,063
Spring Icon Campaign $2,374,113
Corporate Donation $1,001,000
Sponsorship $306,000
Plush Sales $87,696
Car Calendar $20,363

Total giving since 1994

The figures presented in this report are based on fundraising campaign data and do not correlate to CCHF audited financial statements as some campaigns may straddle two calendar years.

We support 13 Canadian children’s hospital foundations.

Your support made Harper’s heart transplant possible.

After surgery to address a serious heart abnormality, Harper suffered complications, eventually going into cardiac arrest, undergoing 50 minutes of CPR, and spending six weeks in critical care. In 2022, soon after her fifth birthday, Harper received a heart transplant – and began to regain her strength and skills. Today, she’s back at school and sharing her love of singing, dancing, and Disney princesses with the world. Support from Walmart helps children’s hospitals help kids like Harper overcome incredible odds.